To read serious works you need a lot of reading experience and desire. If you find it difficult to manage such documentation, use our tips. Maybe they will help you fall in love with the school classics.

Learn the historical background
Each book is a specific period in history. The people of this era were influenced by political and social events, culture, and other factors. One chapter in a history textbook is enough to refresh the memory of the state and societal structure of the period described in the book. With the knowledge of the historical context, the work will become more interesting for you, you will better understand the speech, moods and actions of the characters.
Start with small books
Classics are hard to learn if you don’t read a lot. To create a reading experience, try starting with something simpler. For example, stories and poems are psychologically easier to approach than long literary forms.
Explore the book

Fast reading is not an option for the classics. Such literature must be read thoughtfully, marking interesting or incomprehensible points with a pencil (or a bookmark in the appendix. It is important to find answers to your questions right away, otherwise the context will be forgotten. When reading novels, you can make diagrams of the relationship between the characters and the main events.
Read aloud
The language of classical literature is beautiful and picturesque. Most of these works were read by the writers’ contemporaries in salons or with their families. But it is rather difficult for a modern person to read it, there are many unfamiliar words and complex sentences. But it makes it easier to concentrate on the book and delve into the meaning of the work.
Watch the film adaptation

Films and theatrical performances, of course, will not replace the originals. They sometimes lack important plot lines, facts can be distorted, even the ending can be different. But they are perceived more easily and may interest the work.
Start a reader’s diary
A reader’s diary will help you think about and better remember the information you read. You can turn to him after a while and remember the contents of the book. One form of such a diary is the commоn place book. This is a stand-alone diary for recording quotes, interesting ideas, and extracts from books.